Today's Horoscope

Tarot Readings Free Select background
  3/21 ~ 4/19
  4/20 ~ 5/20
  5/21 ~ 6/21
  6/22 ~ 7/22
  7/23 ~ 8/22
  8/23 ~ 9/22
  9/23 ~ 10/22
  10/23 ~ 11/21
  11/22 ~ 12/21
  12/22 ~ 1/19
  1/20 ~ 2/18
  2/19 ~ 3/20
Sagittarius Horoscope 4 May 2024  (11/22 ~ 12/21)

Your strong resilience and fearlessness will tremendously enhance the power of mental faculties. Keep this momentum going so that it would encourage you to keep any situation under control. Any advice from your father can prove to be beneficial at the workplace. Pending household jobs will take up some of your time. Secret affairs can ruin your reputation. Loss or theft may occur if you are careless with your belongings. Neighbors might expose the personal side of your married life today among your family and friends in a wrong way. You may spend a lot of time in grooming activities such as a hairdo or taking a spa – and you will feel good about yourself afterwards.

Lucky Number: 2

Sagittarius (♐) (Greek: Τοξότης, "Toxotes", Latin: "Sagittarius") is the ninth astrological sign, which is associated with the constellation Sagittarius. It spans the 240-270th degree of the zodiac, between 234.75 and 270 degree of celestial longitude, which the Sun transits on average between November 23 to December 21 each year. Individuals born during either of these dates, depending on which system of Astrology they choose to follow, may be called Sagittarians. Under the sidereal zodiac, it is currently from December 16 to January 14.

Sagittarius is symbolized as a centaur, half man and half horse, wielding a bow. A planet's domicile is the zodiac sign over which it has rulership. The planet said to be ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter. Sagittarius is one of the three fire signs including Aries and Leo.

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