Today's Horoscope

Tarot Readings Free Select background
  3/21 ~ 4/19
  4/20 ~ 5/20
  5/21 ~ 6/21
  6/22 ~ 7/22
  7/23 ~ 8/22
  8/23 ~ 9/22
  9/23 ~ 10/22
  10/23 ~ 11/21
  11/22 ~ 12/21
  12/22 ~ 1/19
  1/20 ~ 2/18
  2/19 ~ 3/20
Sagittarius Horoscope 28 Apr 2024  (11/22 ~ 12/21)

Don't get nervous and lose your confidence as you meet some high profile persons. It is as essential for good health as capital for business. Don't spend too much on entertainment or cosmetic improvement. Domestic life will be peaceful and adorable Spell of love is all set to bind you this day. Just feel the bliss. Nothing is impossible as long as there's a will to overcome it. Your spouse is all in mood to surprise you with the ecstasy of love; help him/her. There is no other feeling bigger than love. Hence, you should say something that can build your beloved's confidence in you and take your love to new heights.

Lucky Number: 8

Sagittarius (♐) (Greek: Τοξότης, "Toxotes", Latin: "Sagittarius") is the ninth astrological sign, which is associated with the constellation Sagittarius. It spans the 240-270th degree of the zodiac, between 234.75 and 270 degree of celestial longitude, which the Sun transits on average between November 23 to December 21 each year. Individuals born during either of these dates, depending on which system of Astrology they choose to follow, may be called Sagittarians. Under the sidereal zodiac, it is currently from December 16 to January 14.

Sagittarius is symbolized as a centaur, half man and half horse, wielding a bow. A planet's domicile is the zodiac sign over which it has rulership. The planet said to be ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter. Sagittarius is one of the three fire signs including Aries and Leo.

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