| | | | | Leo | 7/23 ~ 8/22 |
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Aquarius Horoscope 8 Sep 2024 (1/20 ~ 2/18)
Your swift action will motivate you. To achieve success-change your ideas with time. This would broaden your vision-widen your horizon-improve your personality and enrich your mind. Financial hassles seem to get over as your parents extend support. You will have trouble in controlling your emotions- but do not nag people around you or you will be left all alone. Exciting day of romance- Plan something special for the evening and try to make it as romantic as possible. Someone from your past is likely to contact you and make it a memorable day. Today, you will spend the best time of your life with your spouse. Today you will understand that your loved ones are your constant source of happiness and joy.
Lucky Number: 2 |
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Aquarius (♒) (Greek: Ύδροχόος, "Hudrokhoös", Latin: "Aquārius") is the eleventh astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation Aquarius. Although the dates vary depending on the year, the Tropical zodiac sign of Aquarius typically begins on the cusp day January 20 and ends on February 18.
Under the Sidereal Zodiac, the Sun is in the astrological sign of Aquarius from February 12 to 14 and leaves between March 8 and 10, depending on leap year.